Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Univerzal gear puller
Category:TOOLS > Hand tools > Fitters tools > Other >
ELECTRIC MOTORS > Accessories > Gearboxes > Accessories for transmissions >
Price:12,90€ pc  
Item No:099GP1
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:Universal design; Fits 1 mm to 6 mm shafts; five hardened pins included
Product photo

XPower universal gear puller is the ideal tool to extract the pinions and similar assembled tight on their axis

  • Universal design
  • Fits 1 mm to 6 mm shafts
  • Three hardened pins included

Set content:

  1. main body
  2. threaded part
  3. sliding board
  4. 2.9mm pin
  5. 1.9mm pin
  6. 1.8mm pin
  7. 1.7mm pin
  8. 0.9mm pin
  9. Allen wrench
  10. screw


1) Choose the proper push pin # 4,5 or 6 according to the diameter of axis on which the pinion is assembled:

  • Axis above Ø3,0mm > Ø2,9mm push pin
  • Axis above Ø2,0mm > Ø1,9mm push pin
  • Axis above Ø1,0mm > Ø0,9mm push pin

2) To thread axis push rod chosen in the cavity of the threaded part #2

3) Screw # 8 to immobilize push pin

4) Slip the sliding board #3 under the pinion while engaging on the suitable side according to the diameter of axis

5) Slide the board #3 on to the gear pulley assembly on the slide machined on the part interns lower body #1.

6) Screw in the threaded part #2 into the body #1 until to get in touch with the push pin on the upper face of the axis. Be sure the push pin is in touch only with the upper surface of the axis only and not on the pinion to be extracted.

7) Then, screw in the threaded part # 2 to extract the pinion. Block in rotation the sliding board.