Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Emeter RDU unit
Category: >ěření >
Price:20,58€ pc  
Item No:1045
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo

Dimensions:  36 x 29 x 13.5mm
Weight:  26~28g according to wire length
 - Logs remotely, or at bench while connected to Emeter
 - Records internally:  Ambient Temp, Height, Throttle, Current, Voltage, Watts
 - Option External Sensors:  Temp1, 2, and 3.  Reliable Phase Tachometer for Brushless Motors.
 - Can be connected to Emeter Suite Software for DL to display of Data on PC, or Configuration
 - Sample rates from 4 samples per second to 8 seconds per sample
 - Firmware upgradable by Emeter with SD card installed, or by PC application