Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Connector DEANS micro red
Category:ELECTRIC ACCESSORIES > Conectors > Servoconnectors >
Price:5,00€ pc  
Item No:1675
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:Four pins polarized connectors. They are suitable for example for the connection of servo pairs in one wing part (+/-/2x signal) The connection is simple, prompt and it is impossible to change the polarity what would lead to serious servo damage. The shape of the plastic casing serves for simple dismantling.
Product photo
Four pins polarized connectors.
They are suitable for example for the connection of servo pairs in one wing part (+/-/2x signal)
The connection is simple, prompt and it is impossible to change the polarity what would lead to serious servo damage.
The shape of the plastic casing serves for simple dismantling.
The connectors are delivered in red and black colour, what helps to identify the correct connection. 
These connectors are currently used on the F3J models SUPRA, currently the best of the best.