Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Probe napětí Futaba SBS-01V
Category: >ádiové řízení/Elektronika, příslušenství >
Price:57,88€ pc  
Item No:3704
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
The probe is used to measure external battery voltage.
It is designed for the Futaba telemetry systems.
The probe is connected to port S.BUS2 in common way. The method of connection and allocation is described in the Futaba Tx manuals.
If your Tx is the equipped with the special port and you need to measure voltage of single battery only, you will probably not need the SBS-01V. The special Rx port is equipped with Molex connector, pitch of pins 1,25mm.

If your Rx does not have the voltage port, or you need to measure external voltage of two batteries, you will need SBS-01V.

The typical connection: