Product information

Product information
Název zboží:AddCAP 10AS
Category:RECEIVERS > Air > GHz > 8 and more channels >
RECEIVERS > Air > GHz > 5 and less channels >
RECEIVERS > Air > GHz > 6 and 7 channels >
Price:24,20€ pc  
Item No:J-AC-10AS
Delivery status:1 week
Product information:The AddCAP 10AS is an add-on capacitor unit that helps to insure constant voltage for your servos and receiver in large pulse current consumption power systems. 
Product photo

The AddCAP 10AS is an add-on capacitor unit that helps to insure constant voltage for your servos and receiver in large pulse current consumption power systems. 

Weight [g] 13
Dimensions [mm] 32 x 18 x 20
Recommended input voltage [V] 5 to 8.4
Input voltage max. [V] 10


Manual for AddCAP 10AS - English

 Addcap 10AS EN.pdf