Product information

Product information
Producer:PT model
Název zboží:3-sheets carbon propeller 20 x 13EL 3B
Category:PROPELLERS > Electric > Fixed props > Plastic, carbon > Three blades >
Price:119,80€ pc  
Item No:PTE20130B3L
Delivery status:1 week
Product information:Carbon propellers PTmodel distinguish by high effisiency, stiffness and low offtake. All propellers are delivered from the production well balanced. Propellers are made of quality certified carbon fibers and epoxy resins. Center hole Ø8. * it can be delivered with the center hole Ø10, it is necessary to write it in order notes. E - electric (L - lightweight, HP - low profile, W - wide blade)
Product photo


E - electric propeller

W - Wide propeller blade

HP - thin profile of the blades

L - lightweight