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Product information
Název zboží:Frame SR MKS 6110, IDS, midi
Category: >ámečky >
Price:17,79€ pc  
Item No:3905
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
The servo frame is designed for flat servos MKS 6110. The system IDS (Internal Drive System) and external ball bearing are included.
The plastic parts are produced from very high quality material, carbon filled.
The external ball bearing provides another support for the servo shaft. The loading is decreased and the accuracy is increased.
The frame can be used for both left and right wing.

The IDS system allows to use very short servo arm and movable surface horn. The complete system cen be hidden inside the wing. The aerodynamic drag is lowered.

Technical data:
Frame dimensions: 49 x 36 x 11 mm

The links have pitch 48 mm, 51 mm, 54 mm, 57 mm, 60 mm, 63 mm, 66 mm, 69 mm, 72 mm, 75 mm, 78 mm, 81mm. They are included.
Cross section of links: 4 x 3,5 mm.

The arms with distance between servo shaft and hole to attach the link: 3,5 mm, 4,5 mm, 5,5 mm, 7 mm, 8,5 mm, 10 mm

Made in Germany.