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Product information
Název zboží:Servo MKS HV6100
Category: > MKS >
Price:65,13€ pc  
Item No:2701
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
The MKS HV6110 is a high voltage version of the acclaimed DS6100 with lugs suitabe for mounting as a wing servo. It is specially optimised for glider fliers, with excellent torque and precision, and a very low deadband. On a 2Sc LiPo battery it has higher torque and speed than the DS6100. It is a very high torque thin 10g servo suitable for many wing and fuselage applications.

At only 10mm thick this superb wing-servo can easily fit in thin wings, but with a low height of 23.5mm it can also fit in DLG and other small fuselages. With good 3.4 torque and a blistering 0.10s/60° speed it is excellent for flaps, ailerons, elevator and rudder on many high performance gliders, DLGs, electric gliders, and faster sport slopers

Torque:  2,6 kgcm (6V)  / 3,0 kgcm (7,4V) / 3,3 kgcm (8,2V)
Speed: 0,14 s (6V)  /  0,11 s (7,4V) / 0,10 s (8,2V)
Weight:    10 g
Rozměry: 22,5 x 10 x 23,5 mm
Supply voltage : 4,0V~8,2 V DC
Frekvency:1520μs / 333Hz
Dead band:0.001 ms
Bearings: 2 x BB + 1 bronze bearing
Motor: coreless
Gears: metal