Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Litespan black 50 x 90cm
Category:COVER MATERIALS > Papers >
Price:4,96€ pc  
Item No:0040-08
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product information:Plastic iron-on transfers, replacing the paper. Appearance and weight are broadly consistent with a fully lacquered weak Modelspanem, higher strength, lower labor intensity. Arch size 500 x 900 mm.
Product photo

Applied to glue BALSALOC well, however, satisfy even Chemopren similar andcontact adhesives.
In any case, the frame is painted adhesive which is allowed to dry. The sheetadhesive layer přižehlí.
Shrinkage Litespan not high, it is necessary to work more closely than conventionalfilms.

We took over a color swatch from company websites Solarfilm. Colors need to be taken only very approximate. Color transfer between computers is a difficult problemand it turns out that the actual color of the film can vary greatly.