Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Vlies 10m²
Category:COVER MATERIALS > Iron-on Films > VLIES >
Price:26,00€ pc  
Item No:0063
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:Extremely lightweight (24 g / m2) and extremely solid polyester coating material. Highly resistant to tearing, it becomes moist, not age.
Product photo

Extremely lightweight (24 g / m2) and extremely solid polyester coating material. For its outstanding features is applicable to virtually all models rozměrů.Vzhled and workflow consistent with the paper, but just only 3-4 layers of paint. Manufactures and supplies only in white, the color nitro-, dyed special color tinctures for example Colour dye for Vlies yellow. Highly resistant to tearing, it becomes moist, not age.

The minimum order quantity is 5 square meters (role 0,5x10m).
Pack Dimensions: 10 m2 = 100 cm width role, length 10m