Product information

Product information
Name:5303 kov.přev.HS-645 MG/5645MG/5685MH
Category:SERVOS > Accessories > Gear sets >
Price:22,04€ pc  
Item No:1HI5300
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo

Spare part for models

HS-5645 MG Digital1HI3210
Name: HS-5645 MG Digital
Price: 53,75€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock at supplier
60 g standard digital servo with metal gears with increased Torque for larger models, cars 1:8. 2xBB, tension 10.3 kg / cm, Speed 0.23 to 4.8 V. s/60st
HS-5685 MH HiVolt DIGITAL1HI3214
Name: HS-5685 MH HiVolt DIGITAL
Price: 49,58€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock at supplier
Digital servo with increased supply voltage to 7.4V (2xLiPOL), metal gears. Designed for giant models. 2xBB, move 11.3 kg / cm, speed 0,20s / 60st at 6,0 V. High reliability, stability and performance.
HS-645 MG1HI3115
Name: HS-645 MG
Price: 37,46€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
50 g standard servo with metal gears with increased Torque for larger models, cars 1:8. 2xBB, thrust 7.7 kg / cm, Speed 0.24 to 4.8 V. s/60st
HS-645 MG bulk 1pc unpacked1HI3115-1x
Name: HS-645 MG bulk 1pc unpacked
Price: 34,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
50 g standard servo with metal gears with increased Torque for larger models, cars 1:8. 2xBB, thrust 7.7 kg / cm, Speed 0.24 to 4.8 V. s/60st