Product information

Product information
Producer:Model Motors
Název zboží:AXI 2814/20 Cyclone KV840
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > AXI > CYCLONE >
Price:128,75€ pc  
Item No:3EL105702
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product information:Ø40m x 63mm, RPM 840/1V, weight 164g. Brushless motor with a new generation outrunners enclosed in outdoor casing for glider models 1900 g, 2-3s LiPo power, shaft 5 mm, the controller 30A.
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Technical specification

No. of cells 2-3 Li-Poly
Max. efficiency 85%
Max. efficiency current 8-17 A
No load current 0,6A
Current capacity 28A/60s
Internal Resistance 145 mohm
Dimensions (∅ x L) 40x63 mm
Shaft diameter 5 mm
Weight 164 g
Max. Power 365 W

Product description

High torque brushless motor with rotating drum and high power neodym magnets suitable for models of 500-600 size, and up to 1900g in weight. The hardened steel 5mm diameter shaft and is supported by three ball bearings.

Delivered without prop. holder and Radial mount set!

Best Practices

1 500 52,9 2s 26A/60s 30A 13" x 8"
1 900 67,0 3s 26A/60s 30A 12" x 6,5"