Product information

Product information
Name:Rapid Eyewear Modelglasses Nimbus Photochromic
Category:CLOTHING, GLASSES, PROMO > Glasses >
Price:38,71€ pc  
Item No:4039
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo


Nimbus sunglasses have been an integral part of Rapid Eyewear's range for many years, and they remain as popular as ever. This new version introduces a photochromic lens set that changes its tint from clear to category 3 as you go - even when the light changes during a flight, Nimbus Photochromic will adapt to what you need.

The Frames

Nimbus benefit from a lightweight TR90 frame with sprung side arms, rubber nose pads and rubber side arm extensions for comfort fit. The frame has a slight built-in flex that allows for fitting on most sizes and shapes of head. Finished in a hand sprayed matt black finish.

Nimbus RC Photochromic

The Lenses

Nimbus are supplied with a transitional lens that changes from clear, to Category 3 and back again, according to the light conditions. This advanced polycarbonate lens is decentred, anti-scratch coated and impact. resistant.

Supplied Accessories

Supplied with a microfibre carry pouch that can be used as a cleaning cloth.


Optional Accessories

Add a retainer strap for additional security - ideal for use if you also want to use Nimbus Photochromic for skiing, golf, cycling etc.


Conformity and UV

Rapid Eyewear sunglasses conform to British, European and US standards for sunglasses and protective equipment testing. They offer 100% UVA / UVB (UV400) protection.