Product information

Product information
Category:ACTION > Servos, Gear sets, Levers >
SERVOS > Maxi > Digital >
Recommended price:10,00 (-20% discount)
Price:8,00€ pc  
Item No:2536
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:Miniature relatively strong, yet rapid HV digital servo with input voltage 4,8 - 7,4V. Metal gears. It was designed for indoor flyers, hand launch gliders and similar small models. Voltage: 4,8V-7,4V; Size: 19,8x8,2x21,2mm; Torque: 10 Ncm/6V, 12 Ncm/7,4V; Speed: 0,12s/60°/6V, 0,10s/60°/7,4V; Weight 5,6g
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What you have been waiting for:

Miniature relatively strong, yet rapid HV digital servo with input voltage 4,8 - 7,4V. Metal gears.
It was designed for indoor flyers, hand launch gliders and similar small models.
The accesories, which are part of the delivery: 3 x plastic arm, 3 fastening bolts, 1 x arm bolt.

Basic features:
coreless motor

Parameters of DH 47MG:
Voltage: 4,8V-7,4V
Size: 19,8x8,2x21,2mm

Torque:  10 Ncm/6V, 12 Ncm/7,4V
Speed:  0,12s/60°/6V, 0,10s/60°/7,4V

Weight 5,6g