Product information

Product information
Name:Sub micro servo SMS511 Discount 20%
Category:ACTION > Servos, Gear sets, Levers >
Recommended price:8,00 (-30% discount)
Price:5,60€ pc  
Item No:020511
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:Sub micro servo (6,5 g) nylon gear. Torque: 0,5; Dimensions: 21×11,7×22,4 mm; Speed 60°: 0,11"; Speed 40°: 0,07"
Product photo

Sub micro sized servo for small models where precision and power are required at the controls.

Technical specification:

Torque: 0,5
Speed 60°: 0,11"
Speed 40°: 0,07"
Weight: 6,5 g
Dimensions: 21×11,7×22,4 mm

Spare parts

Gear set SMS511020511P
Name: Gear set SMS511
Recommended price: 2,00 (-50% discount)
Price: 1,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Spare nylon gear set.
Horn set SMS511020511H
Name: Horn set SMS511
Recommended price: 2,00 (-50% discount)
Price: 1,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Spare horn set - 2pcs.